Coronavirus Live Updates: As More People Go Outside, Pressure on Leaders Grows

“To be in one of the Covid patients’ shoes, to me, seems horrifying. They have an illness that we don’t fully understand yet. They’re alone. They’re short of breath. I can

only imagine how scary it must be. That’s part of the reason why we’re just trying to do everything we can to support the patients both medically and, I guess, spiritually. This strange overlap just happened between my two different lives of music and medicine. And they’ve come together in some unexpected and beautiful way. Hi, Andrew. How are you?” “Hey, Rachel. I’m fine. How are you doing?” “Great, nice to see you. There are very few things in this world where you can kind of transcend time and your place. And I definitely know that music is one of those things. It adds a level of humanity to a situation that I think this virus has taken away. The atmosphere on the shifts where I’m working, it’s impossible to describe. We’ve been seeing a lot of difficult deaths. And that’s throughout New York City. I think a lot of doctors that I’ve talked to have expressed the same sentiment, that we aren’t helping enough. There’s a pianist, a violist and a cellist that are in the same place. And there’s a cellist on the West Coast. And they actually already had sort of a project going on where they play for more vulnerable populations, and were very interested in helping with the patients that I was seeing.” “I just had this phone call with Rachel.” “She mentioned that wouldn’t it be incredible if the Covid patients who were more isolated from their family and friends than ever could experience this.” “FaceTime concerts for Covid patients.” “And it suddenly clicked that we could provide that.” [phone ringing] “Hey, Rachel.” “Hey, guys. Thank you so much. How are you?” “We get a call from Rachel on FaceTime.” “I’m going to put the phone down on the table, and then you guys can go, OK?” “OK.” “OK, great. Thank you.” “Thank you.” “And she says, OK guys, you’re on. And just, we play.” “It’s not silence on the other side of the call. It’s a lot of noise. It’s a lot of beeping from the machines. Typically you can hear the ventilator breathing for the patient.” [beeping] “It takes us, in a way, like, boom, we’re right in the front lines.” “This is how we can hold their hands right now. It’s through music.” “Every time we get off the phone, there’s a bit of a different atmosphere in this house.” “I started off studying to be a classical musician. So to be able to bring music into the hospital, I really never thought that would happen. The first concert was for a patient that had really no ability to interact. We had talked to the family. And I was standing there next to this Covid patient. It was so surreal, but I just felt like at that moment in time in my life, that everything I had had up until that point had led me to that. And I think everybody was really feeling their own mortality. And I thought to myself at that time, if I don’t make it through this, then I’ve done what I’m supposed to do.” “I have a couple, a couple songs that I chose that I just think are really beautiful on the cello. I hope you enjoy.” “Thank you.” “At my hospital, we’re all a family. And I think that it actually helps not only the patients, but also the morale of the doctors and nurses. [cello playing] We hope that this music for patients brings them a sense of comfort that’s definitely lacking. I hope these concerts can ease the pain a bit, and I hope that it can give them hope.”

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